Thursday, February 28, 2008

Canadian Involvement in Afghanistan

I don't have much knowledge on the war in Afghanistan and to be honest don't pay much attention to it at all. The war is supposed to be a "War on Terrorism", but it does'nt seem that it is that way at all. I can't really justify Canadian troops being there because I don't know the role they are playing. Are they actually fighting the Taliban or trying to stabilize the government and destroy Al Queda forces? The death of Canadian soldiers is apalling and uncalled for.

Story Alternate Ending

During the kiss with Micheal, Linda realized her true feelings of affection are towards Gregg. She quickly pulled away and told Micheal how she had made a mistake. She had only kissed him because she was swept up into the moment and intrigued by his good looks. She left the river and found Gregg. She professed her love to him. They got married and lived happily ever after.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Blogging Suggestions

I think our blog topics should be open ended and we should be able to write about anything that interests us. If I were to pick my own topic I would write about cars or sports. We could rank cars that we would most want to have or drive. has articles and reviews on many cars and has exotic cars that anyone would drool over. These topics interest me and I could write thought provoking and enticing posts. If all bloggers wrote on what interests them we could learn more about the blogger and could interact with each other based on interests. I think the blogs should be marked on a completion basis. If all of your blogs are completed with appropriate language and grammar you are deserving of a high mark.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Super Powers

A superpower is anything that enhances or creates an advantage to you over others. If I were to have a superpower it would be the ability to negate any other superpower. If you ever got into an epic superpower battle with another superbeing you could destroy them. They would try to attack you with their power, lets say they can morph into anything, well their power is negated when they even come close to me rendering them useless against my superiority.